Jul 26, 2017 Flour, Olive, Olive Seed, Seed 0 comment

Olive seed, a new and delicious way to enrich bread and pasta

Today consumers demand healthy food as well as new flavors. Gathering both requirements is challenging. But, sometimes, nature gives solutions if we know how to take advantage of its resources. Olive seed is the best example of how a traditional product becomes in something new for industry, beneficial to the body and attractive to consumers.

Olive seed is one of the best ways to benefit from the properties of the olive tree. The bone of its fruit concentrates its nutritional and therapeutic properties. Its fatty acid profile and the presence of antioxidant compounds, such as polyphenols, contribute to better health. Numerous scientific studies support the consumption of Extra Olive Oil with a lower rate of cardiovascular diseases.

slice of bread with olive oil

In Nutexa we bring scientific knowledge to obtain the maximum benefits of the olive tree. Separating and transforming the seed into flour allows us to obtain a natural and bioactive product with multiple applications in the field of food.

Bakery and pasta are very appropriate. Olive oil has been consumed for centuries in the Mediterranean, the region where its cultivation prevails. For easy access, healthy properties and, of course, great flavor. The same goes for cereals. In fact, the combination of bread and olive oil is part of the DNA taste of Mediterranean people.

shortbreads made with olive-seed flour

Integrating olive-seed flour into cereal mass is an easy step that increases the sensory attributes of both and the functionality of breads and pastas. Apart from fatty acids and polyphenols, olive seed contains fiber and protein, and is rich in squalene and other triterpenic acids.

Follow this link to get technical information about Nutexa Olive-Seed Flour.

Some of the products it can be made with olive-seed flour are bread, focaccias, shortbread, Pizza mass and macaroni.

focaccia made with olive-seed flour

More advantages

Olive-seed flour does not contain gluten, so it can be applied in products made from corn, millet, amaranth, buckwheat and quinoa. All of them cereals, or pseudo-cereals, that do not include this type of protein (gluten) that affects the health of celiac people.

In addition, according to EC Regulation 1924/2006, products formulated with olive seed and its flour may be labeled as:

High protein content: if proteins contribute at least 20% of the energy value of the food.

High fiber content: when fiber reaches 6 gr. / 100 gr. of food or 3 gr. / 100 kcal.


healthy pasta with olive seeds

Finally, olive-seed flour is a product that can be included in Clean Labels.

Do you want a sample of Nutexa Olive-Seed Flour to experiment with your products? Click here to contact us.

Olive seed, a new and delicious way to enrich bread and pasta.
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Olive seed, a new and delicious way to enrich bread and pasta.
Olive seed enriches bread, dough and pasta as it concentrates all the nutritional benefits of the olive tree and it brings olive flavor.
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nutexa ingredients
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