May 04, 2017 Oil, Rose Hip 0 comment

Reasons why Rose Hip is so appreciated: EFAs

Cosmetic industry follows trends too. From time to time, certain ingredients seem to be all around (creams, oils, serums) and everybody talks about them. Marketing is a big part of it, that is for sure, but as do science. Cosmetic labs are in search of new ingredients constantly, which allows them to find out the potential of certain plants.

Sometimes, however, Scientifics focus in popular remedies to discover their mystery. This could be the case for Rose Hip, one of the most famous cosmetic ingredients in the last years. Either as a product by itself or as a component for another.

Rose Hip is directly associated as a treatment for scars, burns and stretch marks, and it has become very popular among pregnant women as a remedy to attenuate pregnancy stretch marks as well as to minimize perinea trauma during labor thorough antenatal massages with Rose Hip seed oil.

But success for Rose Hip is not a one hit wonder. Indian natives from Patagonia have been using it from ages. As a moisturizer and, especially, to treat a vast list of ailments. Also in Central Europe – where the plant comes from – it is therapeutically highly valued.


Rose hip flowers


Scientific literature on the benefits of the plant is still limited. More rigorous clinical trials and statistical facts should be made, but the analysis of the components of Rosa eglanteria (Latin name) allows us to explain why popular wisdom is not so misguided.

The explanation is inside its fruit: large nuggets composed in more than 80% by Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs). They are the crux of the issue. These nutrients, which are not produced by human body are, however, very important and even necessary in many physiological and biochemical processes.

To begin with, they activate fibroblasts, that is, the cells that produce collagen and elastin, two substances responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Consequently, the greater the amount of EFAs, the greater capacity to reinvigorate the fibroblast – as it happens with Rose Hip. On the other hand, they are related to cellular growth and melanin creation (a dark pigment in some mammals that protects the skin from solar radiations).

EFAs also have an impact in the skin permeability, as it strengthens and multiplies the barrier of the ceramides inside the epidermis, reducing the loss of water. Finally, it performs a vasodilator action (increase of the diameter of the veins and arteries, which allows an increase of the blood flow) and inhibits the aggregation of platelets, avoiding the formation of blood clots in the interior of the vessels.

aceite oil rosa_mosqueta rose_hip acidos_grasos_esenciales essential_fatty_acids Nutexa (3)

With these characteristics we can say that EFAs have a high capacity for healing, regenerating and moisturizing. And since the seeds of Rosa rubiginosa (synonymous) have a high content of EFAs, the same can be said of it. In the case of Rose Hip, large concentrations of some of these acids are also observed. Linoleic acid constitutes more than 30% of total acids, linolenic acid more than 20% and oleic acid about 15%.

On the other hand, Rose Hip seeds contain secondary but great compounds such as carotenoids, flavonoids, polyphenols and Vitamin C.

Benefits of Rose Hip can be obtained through dietary supplements or herbal teas, but in order to treat skin conditions, the best way is to apply its oil topically.

The best oils are the ones with 100% concentration of Rose eglanteria. Dermis tolerates this oil very well since its pH (5.1) is very similar to the human skin during adulthood. However, as we are speaking of vehicular oil, it can’t be applied in mucous membranes, nor inside eyes or by oral route.

Nutexa Rose Hip oil is made from South America seeds, previously selected to guarantee a high quality product. You can request more information about our oil through this questionnaire.



  1. Soto G. Caracterización del aceite crudo de semilla de rosa de mosqueta (Rosa aff. Rubiginosa L.) [Tesis doctoral]: Universidad de Concepción, Chile; 1978.
  2. Esther Azón López, Javier Hernández Pérez, Eduardo Mir Ramos. Evidencia científica sobre el uso del aceite de rosa mosqueta en el embarazo; una revisión de la bibliografía. MEDICINA NATURISTA, 2013; Vol. 7 -­ N.º 2: 94-­98
  3. Cañellas M, Espada N, Ogalla JM. Estudio del aceite de rosa mosqueta en cicatrices postquirúrgicas. El Peu. 2008; 28(1): 9-­13.
  4. García Hernández JA, Madera González D, Padilla Castillo M, Figueras Falcón T. Use of a specific anti-­stretch mark cream for preventing or reducing the severity of striae gravidarum. Randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. Int J Cosmet Sci. 2012.


Reasons why Rose Hip is so appreciated: EFAs
Article Name
Reasons why Rose Hip is so appreciated: EFAs
Rose Hip oil from Nutexa is rich in Essential Fatty acids and a good treatment to skin conditions.